The project ELONCITY aims and focuses on the real economy in the field of energy.The goal of the project is to create an open Eloncity technology to make electricity virtually free, and to electrify the world with clean (green) energy .From the developers' point of view, there are significant problems in the existing energy system (the developers call this "old" system centralized - I will stick to their terminology).
The solution is understandable, but unlike the bulk of projects in the blockroom it also has a physical embodiment (not only software in the form of computer code) - they want to create millions of self-sufficient microsets that will locally produce energy 24 hours 7 days a week. This is a honeycomb, combined with each other.
In Eloncity, the project implementation plan is divided into three main stages:
Phase 1 .
The AI Grid Foundation ( hereinafter referred to as the Foundation ) ( a non-profit organization that was opened by the founder of Eloncity and dealt with the energy problem prior to the creation of the brand (project) "Eloncity" ) spent the last four years ( it should be noted that the roadmap of the project was painted from 2014), cooperating with a coalition of partners to develop key technologies of the Eloncity model. These joint efforts were successfully launched into the commercial operation ofintelligent network BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems - battery-based storage systems. The system, which includes two main components: 1) power storage, 2) power converter electronics, as well as auxiliary equipment: monitoring system, control system, electrical equipment, building structures, etc. ).These building blocks of technology have successfully deployed several hundredself-contained buildings. (From which I conclude that purely material equipment already exists).
Phase 2 .
Over the next 18 to 24 months, the Foundation will work with the state, scientific and educational institutions, government agencies, local governments, local utilities, etc. to scale the Eloncity model in North America, Latin America and Asia. It is planned to create experimental sites in various geographic regions to demonstrate the reproducibility of the Eloncity model while meeting the specific needs of different local markets.
Phase 3 .
The Foundation will focus on transforming the mass market for the distribution of the Eloncity model to all target markets in the world.Here is such a large-scale project! So, why the blockade?
Blocking in Eloncity is the basis of the trading system. It is proposed to divide energy producers and consumers into groups (within a radius of 1 milliard). This association was called "micro-grid". Each such group will have its own separate blockbuster - Ledger (due to the grouping and the creation of individual blockers, the problem of transaction speed is solved). The entire trading system will be implemented through the block system through the algorithm of demand / supply formation and seasonality accounting.
That's interesting. There is a "mining" in the project. You can buy "power-wall" - this is Eloncity equipment (or "energy storage system") and get for it tokens. For each 1 MWh of energy, you can get 16 ECT. When the total number of accumulated green energy exceeds 1 TWh, the reward will be reduced by half, and so on. In addition to the reward for storage - additional income people will be able to receive for the sale of electricity during hours of the highest load on the grid.
After reading the interview of Andy Li- founder of Eloncity, the name itself became clear - Elon Mask - the founder of Tesla.

The project has already started and already has an MVP. From the interview of the founder - "... implemented in the US and successfully launched a village in Shanguanico in Mexico (built autonomous micro-grid)."I wonder what else. In the process of energy transfer from point to point, it is often necessary to convert energy from DC to AC and vice versa. In Eloncity such things seem to be missing.
The main partner of the project is the Krypital Group. All announcements and bounties of the program are through it. Here's the support group for the rest:

Andy Li - Founder . Education - University of Missouri-Columbia. I will mention the following places: 11 years and 5 months Principle Engineer in Cisco Systems and more than 2 years Infrastructure Architecture in Alibaba Cloud Computing Company, here he was engaged in renewable energy.
The team is quite large, looked at the main participants - all have technical experience, and in high-profile positions.
In Advisers of the project there are already 10 people. But links on them do not work - part of it is thrown on the site itself, part on wikipedia. Here's what I could get:
ENSOL LI - Datacenter architect in Tencent since february. 2011 - present time
HAIFENG QU - Research Fellow - Alibaba Group.In general, the project, without advertising, "knows" both with Alibaba, and with Tesla.
A very ambitious project - to squeeze out, or at least to compete with the current energy giants - is not the simplest thing. And one more thing - the availability of the equipment that is offered for purchase in order to connect to this network - at the moment, nowhere has it found such figures. And they will determine how quickly such a network can be deployed.Absence vaytpeper certainly strains. All the information has to be sought and put together from interviews and social networks. Community is not a bit alive (in my opinion). The cart already counts more than 11 thousand, but all the progress is given to the Krypital Group, and they practically all have the same thing - wait for an answer ...My general opinion is this - with a lot of financial support this project will pick up a HYIP, it is possible that now, as long as it is not very clear whether there will be a public sale, people are wary of him. But one thing is clear - the developers are clean techies and all the work on promotion and KYC shifted to other shoulders - an indicator is not bad. Therefore, I would put 6 out of 10 if I had such a scale. But with the radar this project can not be removed - it can still show a good growth of interest.
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